2019 Recipient of the Intuit Student Travel Grant Award
2019 Best Poster in Vision, Graphics and HCI, Graduate Research Day, Stony Brook University
2017 Merits Fellowship Award, Stony Brook University
2016 Ranked 3rd Artificial Intelligence Student of the Year, Sharif University of Technology
2014 Received Honorary Admission to the Sharif University of Technology Masters (8 students in Nation)
2014 Awarded by Ferdowsi University as Distinguished Graduate of the Year Across All Disciplines
2014 Ranked 1st student among all CE graduates of the year (based on GPA)
2013 Placed 1st team in ACM-ICPC selection competition, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
2010, 11, 13 Awarded by CE department of the Ferdowsi University as Distinguished Student of the Year
2010 Ranked Top 1% in the National University Entrance Exam (more than 300,000 students)